Product description

Botanical Name: Piper longum

Types of Plant: Perennial climbing vine

Part of the Plant used: Fruits

Description: Long Pepper, scientifically known as Piper longum, is a perennial climbing vine belonging to the Piperaceae family. Native to India, Long Pepper is cultivated for its elongated, spike-like fruits, which are used as a spice in culinary dishes and traditional medicine. It is characterized by its slender stems, heart-shaped leaves, and cylindrical spikes of small green fruits that resemble catkins. Long Pepper fruits have a pungent, spicy flavor with hints of citrus and are prized for their aromatic properties and culinary versatility.


  • Culinary Uses: Long Pepper fruits are used as a spice in various culinary dishes in South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines. They have a complex flavor profile with spicy, earthy, and slightly sweet notes, making them a popular ingredient in curries, sauces, pickles, and spice blends. Long Pepper is often used in combination with other spices such as black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves to enhance the taste and aroma of dishes.
  • Medicinal Properties: Long Pepper has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional healing systems for its medicinal properties. It contains bioactive compounds such as piperine, alkaloids, and essential oils, which exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and digestive properties. Consuming Long Pepper may help improve digestion, alleviate respiratory ailments, relieve pain, and support overall health and well-being.
  • Digestive Aid: Long Pepper is valued for its carminative and digestive properties, which help stimulate appetite, promote digestion, and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort. It is often used in herbal remedies and digestive tonics to treat indigestion, bloating, flatulence, and other digestive disorders.


Growing Conditions:

  • Sunlight: Long Pepper thrives in partial to full sunlight. Provide at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily for optimal growth and fruit production.
  • Soil: Well-draining, fertile soil with a pH level between 5.5 and 7.0 is ideal for Long Pepper. Loamy or sandy soil enriched with organic matter promotes healthy vine growth and fruiting.
  • Water: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water Long Pepper plants regularly, especially during the growing season, to maintain soil moisture and promote fruit development.
  • Climate: Long Pepper prefers warm, humid climates and is sensitive to frost. It is commonly grown in tropical and subtropical regions but can be cultivated as an annual vine in temperate climates.

Harvesting and Storage of Long Pepper:

  • Harvest Long Pepper fruits when they reach maturity, typically 6-8 months after planting. The fruits should have a firm texture and dark green color, indicating ripeness.
  • Use clean scissors or shears to carefully snip the fruits from the stems, taking care not to damage the plant or surrounding foliage.
  • Wash the harvested fruits under cold water to remove dirt and debris. Store them in a cool, dry place or refrigerate them for extended freshness.

Long Pepper

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