
Red Sanders

Description :  Pterocarpus santalinus, commonly known as Red Sanders or Red Sandalwood, is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree native to Southern India. It is highly valued for its rich, red-colored heartwood, which is used for various purposes, including medicinal, cosmetic, and industrial applications. The tree has a rough, dark bark and produces small, yellow flowers.

Suitable Climate Condition : Pterocarpus santalinus thrives in warm, tropical climates with temperatures between 20°C and 35°C (68°F to 95°F). It prefers well-drained, loamy or sandy soils and can tolerate poor soil conditions. The tree requires moderate rainfall, typically between 750 to 1000 mm annually, and can withstand dry periods. It grows well in full sun to partial shade and is adapted to semi-arid regions.