Product description

Botanical Name: Phyllanthus emblica

Type of Plant: Deciduous tree

Part of the Plant used: Fruit, leaves

Description: Amla, scientifically known as Phyllanthus emblica, is a deciduous tree native to the Indian subcontinent and cultivated in various tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Also known as Indian gooseberry or Emblica officinalis, Amla is highly prized for its small, round, translucent green fruit, which has a sour, tangy taste and is exceptionally rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Amla fruit is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine and culinary practices for its numerous health benefits and versatile applications. Amla leaves are also utilized for their medicinal properties and are often brewed into teas or used in herbal remedies.


  • Culinary Uses: Amla fruit is used in various culinary preparations across different cultures. It can be consumed fresh, dried, or pickled, and is commonly used to make preserves, chutneys, jams, and candies. Amla is also juiced or blended into smoothies, beverages, and health tonics for its nutritional value and refreshing flavor. Additionally, Amla powder is a popular ingredient in Indian cuisine and is used as a souring agent in curries, sauces, and marinades.
  • Nutritional Value: Amla is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C, containing up to 20 times more vitamin C than oranges by weight. Amla is also rich in other essential nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and fiber. Consuming Amla may support immune function, skin health, hair growth, and overall well-being.
  • Health Benefits: Amla offers numerous health benefits due to its unique nutritional profile and bioactive compounds. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties, which help protect against oxidative stress, inflammation, and infections. Amla is known for its rejuvenating and anti-aging effects, promoting longevity and vitality. Regular consumption of Amla may help boost energy levels, improve digestion, regulate blood sugar levels, and enhance cognitive function.


Growing Conditions:

  • Sunlight: Amla trees thrive in full sunlight but can tolerate partial shade, especially in hot climates. Ensure they receive adequate sunlight for optimal growth and fruit production.
  • Soil: Well-draining, fertile soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5 is ideal for Amla cultivation. Sandy loam or loamy soil enriched with organic matter promotes healthy root development and vigorous growth. Amla trees can tolerate a wide range of soil types, including sandy, clayey, or rocky soils, but perform best in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil.
  • Water: Keep the soil consistently moist throughout the growing season, especially during flowering and fruiting stages. Amla trees have moderate water requirements and may suffer from stress if soil moisture is inadequate. Water regularly, especially during dry periods, and mulch around the base of the tree to retain soil moisture and suppress weed growth.
  • Climate: Amla trees thrive in warm, tropical and subtropical climates with temperatures between 20°C to 35°C (68°F to 95°F). They are drought-tolerant once established but benefit from regular watering during hot, dry periods. Amla trees are commonly grown as perennials in regions with a long growing season and as annuals in cooler climates.

Harvesting and Storage of Amla:

  • Harvest Amla fruits when they reach full maturity, typically within 6 to 8 months after flowering. Ripe Amla fruits are firm, glossy, and fully green or yellowish-green in color, with a slightly sour taste and aroma. Use pruning shears or scissors to harvest the fruits from the tree, leaving a short stem attached.
  • Freshly harvested Amla fruits can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to several weeks. To maintain freshness, store them in a perforated plastic bag or airtight container in the refrigerator. Amla fruits can also be preserved by drying or pickling for long-term storage and use in culinary and medicinal preparations.
  • Amla leaves can be harvested throughout the growing season for their medicinal properties. Use scissors or pruning shears to cut the leaves from the tree, leaving some foliage for continued growth. Fresh Amla leaves can be brewed into teas or used in herbal remedies immediately, or dried and stored for future use. Store dried Amla leaves in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to maintain their flavor and potency.


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